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The Cantillon Effect: Money Printing & Inequality in the Economy

Educational Series


The Cantillon Effect, named after the 18th-century economist Richard Cantillon, is a crucial concept to understand when analyzing how money printing impacts the economy and wealth inequality.

In a recent video by George Gammon, he breaks down the Cantillon Effect and explains its implications on our financial system.

In this article, we will delve into the key points discussed in the video and provide you with a better understanding of this economic phenomenon.

The Cantillon Effect Explained

The Cantillon Effect describes the uneven distribution of newly created money within an economy. When central banks print money, it doesn't immediately circulate evenly throughout the system.

Instead, the first recipients of this new money – typically banks, financial institutions, and well-connected individuals – benefit from increased purchasing power before the money trickles down to the rest of the population.

By the time the newly printed money reaches the average consumer, prices for goods and services may have already increased, effectively reducing the purchasing power of those at the bottom of the economic ladder.

How Money Printing Exacerbates Inequality: Three Ways in Which the Cantillon Effect Contributes to growing wealth inequality:

  1. Asset Price Inflation: As new money enters the financial system, it often flows into asset markets like stocks, real estate, and bonds. This influx of capital drives up asset prices, disproportionately benefiting the wealthy who own a larger share of these assets. Meanwhile, those without significant investments see little to no benefit from rising asset values.
  2. Consumer Price Inflation: When new money eventually reaches the broader population, the increased money supply can lead to higher demand for goods and services. This, in turn, drives up consumer prices, disproportionately affecting lower-income individuals who spend a larger percentage of their income on basic necessities.
  3. Distorted Capital Allocation: The Cantillon Effect can lead to distorted capital allocation as new money flows to specific sectors or industries, creating bubbles and misallocating resources. When these bubbles burst, the fallout can have severe consequences for the broader economy, often hitting the most vulnerable individuals the hardest.

Mitigating the Cantillon Effect:

While it's challenging to eliminate it entirely, understanding its implications can help policymakers and individuals make more informed decisions.

George Gammon suggests the following strategies:

  1. Encourage Sound Money Policies: Advocating for sound money policies can help reduce the distortionary effects of money printing. This includes promoting fiscal responsibility, limiting excessive central bank intervention, and supporting currencies backed by tangible assets like gold.
  2. Diversify Investments: For individual investors, diversifying one's investment portfolio across various asset classes can help mitigate the risks associated with the Cantillon Effect. Investors can better protect their wealth from inflation and economic uncertainty by spreading investments across stocks, bonds, real estate, and precious metals.
  3. Financial Education: Raising awareness about the Cantillon Effect and promoting financial literacy can empower individuals to make better financial decisions, ultimately reducing wealth inequality.


The Cantillon Effect is a critical concept to understand when examining the relationship between money printing, wealth inequality, and economic stability.

By recognizing the effects of this phenomenon, individuals and policymakers can work together to develop strategies to reduce wealth disparities and foster a more equitable economic system.

To learn more about the Cantillon Effect and other important economic concepts, be sure to watch George Gammon's insightful video and follow his channels for further analysis.