Brien Ludin Takes A Precious Metals Deep Dive – Is It Time To Buy?

With a career spanning four decades in the investment markets, Brien Lundin serves as president and CEO of Jefferson Financial, Inc., a highly regarded producer of investment-oriented events and publisher of investment newsletters and special reports.

Since 1971, Gold Newsletter has been serving as the cornerstone of precious metals advisories. Its publisher and editor, Mr. Lundin, also hosts the annual New Orleans Investment Conference – one of the oldest and most respected investment events out there.

Mr. Lundin is the editor of Gold Newsletter, where he writes about resource stocks as well as every other type of investment, from small-caps to macroeconomics and geopolitical issues that affect all investors.

For the past New Orleans Investment Conference, Mr. Lundin has gathered some of the most well-known and influential people in investing, economics, and geopolitics to speak with many experienced private investors.

In everything he does, Mr. Lundin honors the memory of his late friend James U. Blanchard III, who was the founder of both Gold Newsletter and the New Orleans Investment Conference.