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Why Lyn Alden Wouldn’t Be “All Cash” In A 2021 Stock Market Crash

Watch Lyn's Answer Above.

If The Stock Market Crashes In 2021…Cash Will Still Be Trash!

A Rebel Capitalist Pro member recently asked Lyn Alden the following question, regarding a possible 2021 stock market crash, and if holding an all-cash position was wise.

“Can you see any market scenario where you might take an “all cash” position or would you adjust your portfolio to take advantage of a 2021 stock market crash?

There are people out there saying things like “out of control central banks” that scare me but you seem to continue to calmly invest.”

Lyn delivers a response that only a professional could deliver…

Out-Of-Control Central Banks and Their Massive Money Printing

Lyn begins by answering with another question that seems obvious after she says it…

Rebel Capitalist Pro

“If these out-of-control central banks are so reckless with their cash, then why would you invest in the same cash that they are so out of control with?”

The bottom line is that Lyn is not all cash, nor does she a scenario where she would be.

Lyn would rather invest in assets that are finite and protect against central bank fiat manipulation. Even during a market correction.

Lyn Aldens Investing Approach

Lyn takes an “all-weather” approach. There is no scenario where she would go all-cash.

But she does position herself in a way that allows room for time-sensitive alerts. This is important.

A good example of this was back in early 2020 (Jan-Mar) when the pandemic was just getting started. Lyn began sounding the alarm. She had published additional reports, between her normal reports, that were sounding the alarm.

“It's going to get wild and the fiscal response will be massive”

Lyn told her followers, “listen when SHTF, I want to own a nice collection of high-quality assets. I want to own gold. I want to have some cash…This is the time where you want to really risk manage this situation well…”

Whatever your portfolio configuration is, just make sure you feel comfortable moving into a time of extreme uncertainty.

For some of us, this would mean an all-cash position. For pro's like Lyn Alden, it's more about owning the right mix of assets.

There are situations where Lyn will interpret that data and issue a time-sensitive report. This is just one of the many reasons becoming a Rebel Capitalist Pro member makes sense.

There are times when you have to be extremely careful.

Quarter 3 is on Lyn's Radar

Lyn has been hinting that Q3 of this year could be another one of these times where we need to pay extra close attention.

The massive unemployment benefits that have proven to be a burden to employers who are short on labor, should end in Q3. Moratoriums and forbearances should end in Q3 as well, freeing up supply in the housing market.

There may be congressional gridlock as it relates to more fiscal spending as well.

Of course, all of this can change on a dime and may be pushed out to another quarter, but make no doubt about it, we can practically guarantee that the media will make a mess out of everything.

The medicine these markets need will likely be misinterpreted into “the sky is falling” which could lead to the 2021 market crash that investors are so worried about.

Unfortunately, the legacy media behemoths that control today's narratives have this kind of power.


According to Lyn, there is nothing that would make her go in all-cash because that's a scenario where she is investing in something that has no value (fiat).

Many of the assets Lyn is invested in currently are below their 10-year highs. So despite the overall market being in an asset bubble, not all assets are in bubbles.

Individual stock selection is key here, and this is how both Lyn Alden and Chris MacIntosh invest. Rebel Capitalist Pro members have the benefit of participating in the fruits of their labor.

Not only do Rebel Capitalist Pro members get access to stock picks, portfolio's and premium research, but they are immersed in Lyn and Chris's macro environment, which allows them to front-run much of the uncertainty most uninformed investors are plagued with.

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